
Showing posts from August, 2017

The new chapter has begun!

Happy August everyone! It is officially the start of my FOCUS Apprenticeship for the 2017-2018 school year!  FOCUS Apprentices 2017-2018 I started off my summer heading into fundraising season which I was extremely apprehensive about and had no idea what to expect. I had fears of not being able to get fully fundraised and having to miss out on the opportunity to do what I felt God was calling me to do. But thankfully I can officially say I am fully fundraised! I learned through the fundraising process that the Lord works in miraculous ways to provide everything that we need to carry out his mission. Thank you so much to everyone who is supporting me financially and prayerfully. Without all of you I really would not be able to do this!  The official start of my apprenticeship began at the last summer FOCUS when all the new apprentices and staff members making new commitments were recognized at the ordination ceremony. This was such a special night and a reminder of the respo